Junior Varsity Speech Syllabus, Fall, 2024

Coach: Tanya Aviles, Email: [email protected]; Phone: 615-480-3890

This syllabus is subject to change and I will notify parents if I make any changes throughout the semester. Class time will include learning the structure and elements of each type of speech, watching demonstrations, participating in workshops, presenting prepared speeches for feedback and lots of impromptu practice. All students will be expected to participate in at least one prepared speech category and one impromptu speech category at Ambassador Club’s fall and spring tournaments. As we get closer to the fall tournament, we will devote some of our time to learning about and preparing for JV Student Congress.

8/26: Fundamentals of Speech

9/2: Labor Day: No class!

9/9: Speech Writing

9/16: Platform: Original Oratory

9/23: Platform: Expository

9/30: Impromptu: Salesmanship

10/7: Impromptu: Bible Story

10/14: Impromptu: Impromptu

10/21: Interpretive: Open and Duo: Picking a book + Script Writing + blocking

10/28: Interpretive: Story Reading + Poetry

11/4: Presentation Practice

11/11: Tournament prep

11/18: Tournament Debrief

11/25: Thanksgiving Break

12/2: TBD

12/9: Last Day! Party!