Meet, Mrs. Tanya Aviles, our new, excellent new Junior Varsity Coach

Tanya Aviles is Gabriel’s wife and mom to Zoe (18), Evan (16) and Angelina (11). She has a Bachelor of Arts in secondary education as well as a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. A veteran educator and homeschooling mom of 13 years, she has taught high school English and science, helped to start an elementary school, and served as its principal for three years.

After serving as Program Director at the Nashville Youth Life Learning Center and becoming a mom, she decided to embark on the journey of homeschooling her children. This journey led her to become a founding member of the South Franklin Classical Conversations community. Tanya has served as Foundations tutor, Foundations and Essentials Director, and Challenge 1 Director during her time with CC.

Her experience with Classical Conversations has allowed her to help students with weekly presentations, where she has modelled public speaking skills and offered feedback. She’s also enjoyed guiding Challenge 1 students through their first team policy debates and independent speech events.

In addition to her heavy involvement in the homeschool community, Tanya has also immersed herself, through her two oldest children, into the world of STOA as a parent judge and recently directed Ambassador Club’s JV Speech tournament.

Zoe, her oldest daughter, participated for four years in STOA in a variety of events including Lincoln Douglas, Team Policy and Parliamentary debates, Interps, Platforms, and Limited Prep Speeches.

Tanya was also a pivotal part in Zoe qualifying for NITOC all four years as well as her receiving the Forensics scholarship to Patrick Henry College, where she recently began her freshman year. Additionally, Evan, Tanya’s second oldest child has also participated in TP, Parli, Platform, and Limited Prep Speeches, qualifying for NITOC in 2024.

Tanya is excited to coach Junior Varsity speech students at Ambassador Club this year and hopes she can come alongside parents to help them equip their children to speak boldly for Christ. She is also looking forward to spending each Wednesday with eight 5th and 6th grade girls, including her daughter, Angelina, as their Foundations tutor at South Franklin Classical Conversations.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)