Ambassador Club & Stoa's Senior Varsity Speech Events

I. Senior Varsity Interpretive Speeches

What is an Interpretive Speech? In all interpretive events, competitors write, or select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression, without the aid of costumes or props. Most Interpretive Speeches (usually called "Pieces") are found and memorized with an optional introduction written by the student. Open Interpretive speeches may be self-written.

The four types of Interps are: Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, and Open Interpretation. The time limit for Open, Dramatic and Humorous Interpretive Speeches is 10 minutes, while the time limit for Open Interpretive Speeches is 6 minutes.

1. Dramatic Interpretation

Description: In Dramatic Interpretation the competitor creates a serious, original rendition from a single piece of literature which captivates and moves the audience.

Goal: To select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.

Stoa's '24-'25 Rules for Dramatic Interpretation
Stoa's '24-'25 Dramatic Interpretation Ballot

2. Duo Interpretation

Description: In Duo Interpretation two competitors create an original rendition from a single selection of literature, or multiple selections of literature, which captivates and moves the audience.

Goal: To select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, facial expression, and movement without interacting face-to-face.

Stoa's '24-'25 Rules for Duo Interpretation
Stoa's '24-'25 Duo Interp Ballot

3. Humorous Interpretation

Description: In Humorous Interpretation the competitor creates an amusing, original rendition from a single piece of literature which captivates and entertains the audience. Stand-up comedy, or telling a series of jokes without a corresponding plot, is not Humorous Interpretation.

Goal: To select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression. The story should be conveyed humorously using plot, character development and comedic timing.

Stoa's '24-'25 Rules for Humorous Interpretation
Stoa's '24-'25 Humorous Interpretation Ballot

4. Open Interpretation

Description: In Open Interpretation the competitor creates an original rendition from a selection or selections of prose or poetry (including unpublished work) which captivates and moves the audience.

Goal: To select and analyze written work(s), then bring to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.

Stoa's '24-'25 Open Interpretation Rules
Stoa's '24-'25 Open Interpretation Ballot

II. Senior Varsity Platform (original & memorized) Speeches

Stoa's '23-'24 Plagiarism Policy-'24-'25 Rules-coming soon

What is a platform Speech? A prepared speech, written by the competitor and memorized, with the purpose of informing, exposing, or persuading on a topic.

There are 3 types of Platform Speeches: Expository, Original Oratory, and Persuasive. All platform speeches have a 10-minute time limit.

Stoa's updated '24-'25 Platform Speech Citation Tips - Coming Soon - See '23-'24 Tips

1. Expository

Description: An Expository speech is a prepared speech, written by the competitor, which explains, “exposes” and illustrates a topic through both words and visuals (e.g. illustrated boards, physical props, digital and electronic presentations, or any combination).

Goal: To develop a winsome, polished speaker who has learned to constructively use chosen media to enhance the topic.

Stoa's '24-'25 Expository Rules
Stoa's '24-'25 Expository Ballot

2. Original Oratory

Description: An Original Oratory, OO, is a prepared speech, written by the competitor, on a topic of the competitor’s choice.

Goal: To develop a winsome, polished speaker who can present an engaging, well organized speech. The purpose of this informative speech is to explain, describe, or expose the topic.

Stoa's '24-'25 Original Oratory Rules
Stoa's '24-'25 Original Oratory Ballot

3. Persuasive

Description: A Persuasive speech is a prepared speech, written by the competitor, which advocates a specific position or course of action.

Goal: To develop a winsome, polished speaker who can state a clearly worded position supported by convincing arguments and well-researched support.

Stoa's '24-'25 Persuasive Rules
Stoa '24-'25 Persuasive Ballot

III. Senior Varsity Limited Preparation Speech Events

What is a Limited Preparation Speech?: In Limited Prep Speeches competitors get a limited time to prepare for a speech on a topic that is given to them at the speech event. The preparation for Limited Prep speeches happens at home and at the local club BEFORE the tournament as the Apologetics Questions and Mars Hill Topics are released prior to the competition season. The Limited Prep Speeches are Apologetics, Extemporaneous, and Mars Hill Impromptu.

The best way to succeed in Limited Prep is to PRACTICE!

1. Apologetics

Description: In Apologetics speaking the competitor is given four (4) minutes to prepare a persuasive and reasoned speech that defends a tenet of the Christian faith and explains why that principle matters. The time limit on the speech is 6 minutes.

Goal: Christian Apologetics is that area of study aimed at the reasonable defense of the truthfulness of Christianity. Competitors will be motivated to study, articulate, and defend the core issues of their faith in a knowledgeable, sincere, gentle and respectful manner. The focus may or may not be evangelistic.

The topics for the Apologetics speeches are drawn from a list that is posted on the Stoa website and linked below. Students prepare by creating outlines of speeches for each question. They may speak from index cards that have been previously prepared.

Stoa's '24-'25 Apologetics Questions

Stoa's '24-'25 Apologetics Rules
Stoa's '24-'25 Apologetics Ballot

2. Extemporaneous

Description: In Extemporaneous speaking the competitor answers a given question based on a recent event in the news. The competitor researches national and international current events and may create reference files of newsworthy information. Extemporaneous speech should be regarded as a demonstration of personal knowledge on the topic, as well as an original synthesis of numerous sources. The student has 30 minutes to prepare a speech with a 7 minute limit. They may speak from one 3" x 5" index card and the topic paper.

Goal: To develop a well-informed student who can critically evaluate current issues by expressing his/her position on a given question. The speech should be delivered with credible, pertinent, and sufficient evidence to support his/her position on the topic.

Stoa's '24-'25 Extemporaneous Rules
Stoa's '24-'25 Extemporaneous Ballot

3. Impromptu

Description: The competitor is given two (2) minutes to prepare a speech on a randomly drawn prompt.

Goal: To develop a winsome, polished speaker who can present an original, spontaneously prepared speech.

The maximum speaking time is five (5) minutes. There is no minimum time requirement. Competitors will receive a one (1) rank penalty for going over time by fifteen (15) seconds or more.

Stoa's '24-'25 Impromptu Rules
Stoa's '24-'25 Impromptu Ballot

4. Mars Hill Impromptu

Description: The competitor uses books, movies, and other genre to discuss the appeal and impact of the theme(s) within the topic, holding them up in the light of Christian truth found in the Bible.

Goal: The competitor learns to identify truths common to the human condition within popular culture, using those truths to find common ground. The competitor will discuss Christian truths on a conversational, personal level desiring to encourage ongoing conversation of spiritual truth.

Recommendation: This event is recommended for competitors 14 and older or with parental consent due to some mature themes.

Mars Hill '24-'25 Overview
Stoa's '24-'25 Mars Hill Topics

Mars Hill Impromptu Rules
Mars Hill Impromptu Ballot

IV. Stoa Wild Card Event

Stoa's Wild Card Speeches are new and unique events offered on a two-year rotation which are meant to challenge competitors in their preparation and presentation skills. The Wild Card event for the 2024-2025 competition season is Slam Poetry.

Slam Poetry

Description: Using a poem or a selection of poems, a speaker will convey a single theme through an expressionistic and engaging presentation that portrays the meaning of the poetry and the poems’ artistic language.

Goal: To select and/or write poetry and then bring the meaning to life to an audience through creative expression.

Stoa 's Slam Poetry Rules
Stoa's Slam Poetry Ballot

For more information on Stoa's SV Speeches: Stoa Speech Event Documents and Details