Coach Liana's SV Lincoln Douglas Value Debate Fall Semester Syllabus

Stoa's 1st of 3 LDV Debate Resolutions for Oct. 1-Dec. 31. Resolved: The acquisition of knowledge is an intrinsic good.

August 26th: Discuss and select values for the affirmative.

-Brief review of case structure.
-Dialogue about criteria.
-Practice and demonstrate writing contentions with these values.
Home Work: Define resolution, select value, and write three contentions. Incorporate a criterion if desired.

September 2nd: NO CLASS

September 9th: How to choose applications and create list of possible applications.

-Brainstorm affirmative applications and list ideas.
-Review 4 point refutation and begin practice rebuttals.
-Each student makes an argument in response to the outlined value and contentions of another.

September 16th: Learn negative structure in more depth and choose negative value.

-Review applications from previous week. Go over homework.
-List negative values on the board.
-Discuss whether terms need to be defined different & what resolutional analyses are applicable.
-Incorporate negative values into practice rebuttals.

September 23rd: Learn cross examination, types of questions, & cross-ex strategies.

-Review strategies for the examiner & strategies for the witness.
-Spend last half of class doing piranha packs of a completed Affirmative case.

September 30th: Begin rebuttal strategy including time efficiency and prep efficiency.

-Learn to pre-flow rebuttal arguments.
-Learn grouping & cross-applying responses.
-Practice the 1AR.

October 7th: Learn Voting issues & the 2AR

-Practice voting issues
-Practice time management
-Efficient flowing.

October 14th: Cross Examine negative cases

-Discuss questions & answers
-Practice rebuttals if time allows.

October 21st: Logic exercises & speaking presentation drills.

October 28th: Round Robin (10:30-12:30). Parents needed to give feedback.

November 4th: Learn to make rebuttal briefs for aff. & neg. & 30 second summaries.

-Debrief from Round Robin
-Cross examine if time allows

November 11th: Refine case timing & rebuttal practice.

November 14-16th: Ambassador Club Fall Tournament at Concord Road Church of Christ

November 18th: Debrief from tournament.

-Discuss tournament calendar.

November 25th: NO CLASS

December 2nd: Choose values & practice contentions for aff. & neg. of 2nd resolution-to be released by Stoa on December 1st.

December 9th: Christmas Party